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What is Concierge Medicine?Concierge medicine, boutique medicine and direct practice are all terms used to describe a new style of medical care in which patients pay an monthly fee to the doctor directly for enhanced m
How does a Hybrid Concierge medical practice differ from traditional Concierge Medicine?In the Hybrid Concierge model which we offer to our patients, you are responsible for a monthly fee. Additionally your insurance and/or Medicare is still billed for normally covered services rendered by our practice. This is the biggest difference between the Hybrid Concierge model and the straight concierge model which does not bill private insurance or Medicare. By allowing your private insurance and/or Medicare to help off-set the expense of delivering your health care, we are able to keep the annual physician retaining fee at a modest amount.
Do I still need to keep my health insurance and/or Medicare?Yes, your insurance and/or Medicare will still be billed for normally covered services rendered by Integrative Medicine. Additionally outside of Integrative Medicine, you will still need medical insurance for emergency room visits, hospitalization, specialists, prescriptions and all services provided outside of my office.
I am in a managed care plan can I still join your Hybrid-Concierge medical practice?Yes. Your annual fee ensures you access to care from me regardless of your insurance plan. However, you should know that your managed care company, or your health maintenance organization (HMO), may refuse to pay for any services or prescriptions that are not ordered by one of their physicians.
How much is the fee to become a member of Integrative Medicine Hybrid Concierge medical practice?The plan varies depending on your age, and complexity of medical conditions. Disability, Military Services, and Family members of Integrative Medicine Concierge program are offered a discount.
How do I become a member?To enroll in Integrative Medicine Hybrid Concierge medical practice, you must fill out the application and return it to Integrative Medicine. All applications MUST INCLUDE payment of the fee (in the form of either a personal check or credit card information). Applications received without payment will not be processed. Personal checks can be made payable to Integrative Medicine.
Is there a limit to the number of patients who can become members of the hybrid concierge services?Yes, due to the nature of the hybrid concierge practice, where Dr. Luong and Dr. Yee devotes more time and attention to each patient who joins, membership is limited and offered to patients on a first-come, first-serve basis. This way, the physicians can ensure each patient who becomes a member receives the highest level of attention and care possible.
Can I remain a patient of Integrative Medicine if I am unable to pay the Membership Fee?Yes; we welcome you to remain a patient of Integrative Medicine if you are unable to pay the Membership fee, however we cannot act as your primary care provider but rather see you as an urgent care basis.
If I become a member of the Hybrid Concierge plan, how often am I allowed to see my doctor?"There are no limits on the number of times that you can be seen for medical conditions.
If I become seriously ill, what are the advantages of being a member of Integrative Medicine?"Most importantly, you can be seen on the same day or next day for an acute medical problem. We know that patients have unplanned urgencies or emergencies so we have time allotted for that in our office schedule. If your problem is serious enough to require hospitalization, Integrative Medicine Physicians will communicate with attending physicians in the hospital and optimize your care.
I am in a managed care plan can I still join your Hybrid-Concierge medical practice?Yes. Your annual fee ensures you access to care from me regardless of your insurance plan. However, you should know that your managed care company, or your health maintenance organization (HMO), may refuse to pay for any services or prescriptions that are not ordered by one of their physicians.
What kind of insurance will work best with your Hybrid Concierge medical practice?Traditional fee-for-service plans, even if part of a preferred provider organization (PPO), will allow us to coordinate your care best. They also permit you to make appointments with specialists yourself, should you desire. Unlike managed care plans and some point-of-service plans, they do not require that your primary care physician be from their network.
If I go to an emergency room on the weekend, or see another doctor, will you pay my bill?"No. Your membership fee ensures you access to care at my office only. I will always be available for emergency phone calls and to act as your advisor. There may be times when we agree that an emergency room visit is necessary. You are responsible for any charges incurred for services not provided by us. If admission to the hospital is necessary then Integrative Medicine Physicians will communicate closely with hospital staff.
Do I still have to pay the Membership Fee if I am on Medicare?Yes, you will be required to pay the membership fee. We will bill Medicare for medical services rendered.
Is the membership fee tax deductible?Although your insurance company probably will not reimburse you for your annual payment, you still may be able to write off a portion of your payment on your income taxes. In addition, if your company has a Flex (Section 125) Plan or a Medical IRA, you should be able to receive reimbursement for your annual payment with “before tax dollars.” We encourage you to talk with your tax advisor and employer about these options.
Will I receive a discount if I don’t have my annual physical exam or use all of your services?No. Your membership fee covers Integrative Medicine availability for complete supervision of your medical care. We encourage each of our patients to see us on a regular basis. Preventive care is the best foundation for an excellent quality of life.
If I become ill and require extensive medical services, will my bill increase?"Never. It would be unthinkable to penalize you financially for illness.
Is the cost of prescriptions covered or discounted through my Membership Fee?No. But, as always, Integrative Medicine physicians will attempt to provide you with free samples whenever possible. We will also always prescribe less expensive generic brand medicines when deemed appropriate.
What happens if I move after I become a member of your Hybrid Concierge plan?If you must transfer your care, we will assist you with finding a new physician. Your medical records will be sent promptly upon your release of information. The balance of your yearly fee will be prorated and refunded.
If I get married, can I extend coverage to my new family members?"Yes, if there is availability in my practice. The membership fee will be offer a discount for each member of the family who becomes a member.
Who provides my care when an Integrative Medicine physician is out of town or on vacation?If one of the physician is on vacation or out of town, members of the Hybrid Concierge plan will have care provided by a covering physician. If you receive care from a covering physician, your insurance will be billed in the usual manner and you will be responsible for any outpatient copay to that physician.
Where can I find more information about Integrative Medicine physicians?For more information, please call our office at 941-248-3876 to request more information.
1. What is integrative medicine?Integrative medicine is an approach to healthcare that combines conventional medical practices with evidence-based complementary therapies. It focuses on treating the whole person and addressing the underlying causes of illness or imbalances, rather than just managing symptoms. Integrative medicine emphasizes the importance of patient-centered care, personalized treatment plans, and a holistic understanding of health and wellness.
2. What types of services does your integrative medicine business offer?We offer a wide range of integrative medicine services to support your health and well-being. Our services include but are not limited to: Nutritional Counseling: Personalized guidance on nutrition and dietary habits to optimize your overall health and address specific health concerns. Herbal Medicine: Utilizing the healing properties of plants to support the body's natural healing processes and promote wellness. Acupuncture: Traditional Chinese medicine technique involving the insertion of thin needles at specific points on the body to promote balance and alleviate various health conditions. Mind-Body Therapies: Techniques such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness practices to support mental well-being and promote relaxation. Supplement Recommendations: Guidance on appropriate supplements to support your health goals, taking into account your unique needs and any interactions with medications or conditions. Lifestyle Modifications: Recommendations for lifestyle changes, including stress management techniques, exercise routines, and sleep hygiene practices to enhance your overall well-being.
3. How is integrative medicine different from traditional medicine?Integrative medicine differs from traditional medicine in its approach to patient care. While traditional medicine focuses on diagnosing and treating specific symptoms or diseases, integrative medicine takes a holistic view of health, considering the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person. It combines conventional treatments with evidence-based complementary therapies to provide a comprehensive and personalized approach to healthcare.
4. Is integrative medicine safe?Integrative medicine, when practiced by qualified healthcare professionals, is generally considered safe. Our healthcare providers are experienced and trained in the field of integrative medicine. We adhere to rigorous safety protocols and stay updated on the latest research and best practices. We prioritize your safety and well-being throughout your treatment journey.
5. Can integrative medicine be used alongside conventional medical treatments?Yes, integrative medicine can be used alongside conventional medical treatments. In fact, it is often encouraged to have open communication with your primary care physician or specialists about your integrative medicine treatments. This allows for a collaborative approach to your healthcare, ensuring that all aspects of your treatment plan are coordinated and integrated.
6. How long does it take to see results with integrative medicine?The timeline for seeing results with integrative medicine can vary depending on the individual and the specific condition being treated. Some people may experience improvements in their symptoms and well-being relatively quickly, while others may require a more gradual and long-term approach. Our healthcare providers will work closely with you to set realistic expectations and provide ongoing support throughout your treatment journey.
7. Is integrative medicine covered by insurance?Insurance coverage for integrative medicine services can vary depending on your specific insurance plan. Some insurance providers offer coverage for certain integrative medicine treatments, while others may not. We recommend contacting your insurance provider to inquire about coverage for integrative medicine services. Our team at Integrative Medicine can also assist you in understanding your insurance benefits and exploring available options.
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